Divine Self-Awareness is Your spiritual talent, Your inherent Universal knowledge. * Divine Self-Awareness is the Creative Power inside you that you have brought for getting to know Yourself. * Divine Self-Awareness is the way, the purpose and the mission. * Divine Self-Awareness is the method which is the solution as well. * Divine Self-Awareness is the Creative Power, who is the Creator inside you.


Because of love and
with the means of light in my soul,
like so many, I came into this world to
what is written in my unique code, come true.
I had experienced harmony for two decades,
to which I asked and received good parents, a nice background,
good health. I sealed my eagerly opening spiritual talent at a young
age, since I had to learn to wait for the designated time.
More decades-long experience of my light’s shadows,
and then the pits of deep hell in the prime of my life.
When I said it was enough of all these,
I realised the essence: unless I arrive to
“home” into myself, I cannot go any further!

Who am I?
Why was I born?
Why did all this happen to me?
It cannot be "that’s all" for my life!?
I searched in vain someone
to give answers to my questions.

The result of years-long conscious self-awareness,
is that my spiritual channel opened in 1997.
I finally arrived to myself, where I had found my answers!
They have always been here in me, I just did not believe
that I do not need to go to anyone else for them.

With this my whole life
so far has changed, my duty, my
values. Firstly, I transmitted as a medium.
But there was a new method hidden in my code,
so I took accelerated steps on my development path.
For the new method to work, I had to confront
myself.  Recognizing my shadow-qualities:
the force of expectation-compliance,
past behavior patterns,
the fixations, fears
and other roles.
Day by day,
my consciousness broadened
I saw more and more light on my true-self. 
The result of work lasting for years,
is that the old energy has transformed into such
a belief, the power of which has been influencing
Everyone ever since: who
wants a better fate, get
answers to why-s, develop,
become an adult, eliminate
fears, to find his Light,
his true-self in its own.
Having reached a stage in my development by 2002,
when I could open from the core of the Earth together with
12 helpers, the fear-redeeming energy, magenta,
so that everyone can have access to it
and get rid of one’s fears. 

This feminine power:
raises the energy level.
For those who "cogitate"
I convey the cause and effect of energy laws through the mind by
 making the essence, stake, and possibility of being here understandable.
The continuous spiritual teaching constantly refines my knowledge, which
increases the method’s span of tools. The means of my soul's 
infinite love, with the method of self-awareness
becomes this way useful for others.

Divine Self-Awareness is the solution

to life situations which you can read by clicking on the different sections of the fan below. I have been showing the way since 1997 to everyone who comes to see me to find real answers to their questions, to reveal the roots of their karmas, to understand the laws of nature and to see the cause and effect of their painful experiences. This is how they come to recognize their inherent Creative power that will release their physical, spiritual and mental pain, help them exit hopeless life situations and get rid of the tensions and stress in their lives. If any life situation that is listed in the fan resonates with you and you believe the time has come to get to know yourself, I am available and look forward to assisting you.

My parents as my roots
My health
My job, my profession
My financial situation
My spirituality
Having a sibling or being an only child
My habits and mind games in my relationships
My questions regarding my feminine/masculine principle
My motherhood, having a child, my child
My sexuality
Life, death

Who are you, really?
Why were you born to this world?

We all seek peace of the soul and real joy in order to freely soar at a high level of consciousness and awareness, to deploy our creativity, fulfil our promise and task that we undertook in the Divine Plan. A sense of joy, peace, happiness and that of unity, which is inherent in us. It was sealed and covered up, you only need to awaken and remember it.

You can freely choose which energy quality to use for your physical experiences, whether you choose acceptance and love or fear. The power of the light will be reflected in your decisions, actions and life situations if you respect yourself and the world around us, trust in the power and your Creative self. You will encounter intimidation if you live in dispair, striving, fighting, accusations, impatiently, with little faith and under guilt. That is how the law of resonance works.

The intimidating power of time has brought about impatience. The rule of money and the power of the ego have distanced us from our souls. Projecting security into material things birthed dissatisfaction. The duality of thoughts have eradicated harmony and peace from our lives. The loss of the knowledge that life, family and the feminine/masculine qualities are sanctities has altered our quality of life. Consequently, we have gradually become one with our doubts, sense of guilt, impatience, unbelief, games and the survival mode of our ego. Distant from our reality we do not know who we are and what we have become. We have lost our harmony, we do not find our mission nor can we activate our karma. Is there a way out of all of this? What technique or method could help us to get back on our feet, become independent spiritual personalities, gain self-confidence, feel respect, love and accept ourselves? Where and how to start this process? We have to raise our vibration level to be able to wake up. Divine Self-Awareness is one with your human being, but it is also the tool, the path to this goal and the goal itself.

By my free will I have been living in an awakened state for decades. I remembered and I became who I really am. I use the Divine Self-Awareness method to awaken people who carry the promise of Divine Self-Awareness in themselves as a seed, as a universal knowledge to truly understand WHO THEY REALLY ARE.

You have free will:

YOU LIVE IN FEAR in the closed world of your double
mindset and running the survival
program of your ego


YOU LIVE in awareness of the Creative power of
your soul and spirit, knowing
that you are lovable

The sound of Magenta, which is the energy that releases you from fear.

What I give

from the infinite
reservoir of spirituality, including,
but not limited to the following:
raising your vibration level
open your wild-self
energizing individuals
the cleaning of chakras
the alchemy of the soul
connecting to the Higher-Self
personal and group initiation
the release of generational patterns
release from curses, bonds and spells
release from the fear of death and guilt
rewriting your whole life from conception
contacting beings in interim existence,
spiritual masters, helpers and
children to be born
confrontation with roles of your star maps
transmitting messages and teachings through the "Divine channel"
establishing a good relationship with the material aspect
recognizing real values and credo by taking
into consideration the uniqueness
of every person through
the singularity of the moment
and the non-recurring possibility.
I use the experience, skills and knowledge that
I have gained during my own personal processes and
I pass on the Divine message unchanged as received
by using the Divine Self-Awareness method.
I do this to awaken you to self-awareness,
to remember that you can return
to the reality of Yourself and
become Who you have always been:
a Divine Creator who is lovable in all life situations.

This will enable you to:

– joyfully experience your feminine/masculine quality
– not only survive, but even process your lovesickness,
– forgive yourself the real cause of your sense of guilt,
– resolve social integration issues of your children,
– get rid of the feeling of vanity and lethargy,
– release your dependency on your parents,
heal emotional injuries from their divorce,
– release the pain of losing your parents, let go
of your unforgiven hurts, judgments, sense of guilt,
– unbind suppression resulting from childhood abuse,
– find a universal solution for issues about your business,
– handle the boss/employee relationships in an appropriate way,
– process the pain that you were born a girl/a boy (other than expected),
– find the real answers for your pregnancy symptoms as an expecting mom,
– transform the bad relationship with your siblings into a loving one,
– entangle the role people play in your love relationships,
– settle financial problems according to your real values,
– reveal the root cause of infertility and childlessness,
– process the trauma of being an unwanted child,
– explore the reasons for your lack of orgasm,
– release the karma resulting from abortion,
– find universal answers for your questions
and use alchemy to explore your
shadow-self with your
Creative power.
This will reveal your
spiritual skills and abilities
that had been dormant and hidden in you,
you learn to interpret the real messages in the signs
that are happening to you, universal laws, your real joy,
your vocation, your previous lives, your unique code,
your creed, the right connection to money,
how you can make your life successful,
the real meaning of the symbols
in your dreams,
the root and the reasons
of your repeated life situations,
your Divine business talent, your artistic inclinations,
the spiritual causes of your illness, the cause and effect of energy laws,
the acceptance and respect of what is material and that You are lovable.

I am available and happy to assist you if you are
involved in anything above.